Welcome to Nursery!
In nursery we are called the Pandas, and we are so excited for the year ahead. We value the importance of ensuring our nursery environment is engaging, nurturing and a fun place to learn! Our nursery children have settled into the academic year very quickly and are familiar with our nursery routines. Parents, we will be informing you of upcoming events in which you can get involved, such as external visits, stay and plays and many more.
In nursery, our learning is primarily child-led in a play based, free-flowing environment, with short adult led activities throughout the session. The provision we provide is tailored to the children we teach, and is built around our overarching principles of characteristics of effective learning. Our primary focus is based around the early years framework. Our prime areas of learning are: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional development, and Physical Development. We the focus on specific areas of learning, these are: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
This Years Topics
Over the year we try to answer three main research questions linked to the three areas of topic. These are:
Autumn 1: All about me.
Autumn 2: Nursery Rhymes
Spring 1: Food Glorious Food
Spring 2: Transport
Summer 1: Once Upon A Story
Summer 2: Out and About
Help at Home
You can help at home by encouraging independence through getting themselves dressed and undressed, putting on their own coats, joining in helping cooking and baking activities and sharing books daily at home. Books can be borrowed from school for you to encourage a love of reading and develop comprehension skills.
“Our vision is to provide an excellent primary education that gives our children the very best chance of succeeding in life.”
Cascade MAT