Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is a grant from the government that is intended to help schools to close the attainment gap between pupils who are eligible for free school meals or are ‘looked after’ and pupils who do not.
Our Principles and Provision
It is our responsibility to ensure that all children in our school achieve their potential and in order to do so we seek to meet the individual needs of every single child. Pupil Premium funding will be used and managed by us to enable us to tailor support for identified children in range of ways appropriate to their needs.
We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups. This includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered to qualify for free school meals (and therefore the Pupil Premium Grant).
We ensure that Pupil Premium funding is spent to best support pupils who the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
All allocation of the Pupil Premium funding will be targeted at accelerating progress, moving children to at least age related expectations. This could include – the delivery of an engaging and relevant curriculum, staff training and development in line with children’s needs, the provision of extra curricular experiences, staff to deliver bespoke intervention programmes, learning mentor support, Special Needs support, English as an Additional Language support, family leaning opportunities and other initiatives which the school deems necessary to meet the needs of the children.
The senior leadership team will report termly to the Governing Body on the use and impact of the Pupil Premium Grant, implementing appropriate intervention and measuring impact.
The school’s pupil premium strategy will be reviewed annually.
Mrs Bridges (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs Roe (Chair of Governors)
Pupil Premium Analysis
For a more detailed analysis of how Pupil Premium money is spent and the impact it has please click on the link below.
Our next Pupil Premium review date is September 2023.
“Our vision is to provide an excellent primary education that gives our children the very best chance of succeeding in life.”
Cascade MAT